Posted by Sam on Nov 07, 2007 at 07:33 AM UTC - 5 hrs
The following was generated using a 7th order Markov chain and several of my blog posts as source text:
For the monetary hurdles? A computer to prove anything on you.
If you are serving with talented coders so it doesn't change. Can you understand the case study present in different paradigm shifts in science. I was on vacation, "I can't see my old search terms every time you run into a code monkey? Are you a code monkey? Are you stick to standards so you could have implement our own develop good sound-editor to do it. Even more diplomatic terms, of course of action - if a proxy) the objectives and different approach much better, and how can you believe it?" I think it would solve those domain you're willing to him speak than after a little over a million users so it doesn't "mean that a competitors. Of course of action - if a proxy) the objectives and different paradigms to help out in the to-read list: The Power of integration in asking what other hand, JSF, Seam, and Tapestry are based on my to-read list.) Because I think you can keep the view updated - but there are made, and borders on absurd side of the elements in the code for you to record an improvement. That's not a far leap to see that you do?" Here he actually pointless. How do I know - I was doing before I started to deploy to XBOX 360 or PC (Developers created." Instead, you should use is a contest to avoid conversations. It can be threatened." What are the Maximizers are drive-in traffic and implementation of an old professor of mine, be honest about it. Thanks XNA!
As always came back in January. Perhaps you understand it. If you want to conversations. It can be threatened." What are the number of integration in asking people something to do it. Even more diplomatic terms, of course, you can do. In particular, by posting a good developers created." Instead, you should.
The point is that you're not passion.
There are a couple of repeats noticeable, which is mostly due to my lack of source text. At least, it worked a little better using one-hundred 8.5" x 11" pages of Great Expectations (still gibberish though).
Anyway, here's the Ruby source code:
class MarkovModel
def create_model(file, order, unit)
#unit = "word" or "character"
@unit = unit
entire_file = ""
@order = order
#read the entire file in, "r") do |infile|
while (line = infile.gets)
entire_file += line
#split the file according to characters or words
if unit == "word"
split_on = /\s/
split_on = ""
@entire_file_split = entire_file.split(split_on)
#construct a hash like:
#first 'order' letters, letter following, increment count
@model =
i = 0
@entire_file_split.each do |c|
this_group = @entire_file_split[i,order]
next_letter = @entire_file_split[i+order,1]
#if group doesn't exist, create it
if @model[this_group] == nil
@model[this_group] = { next_letter => 1 }
#if group exists, but this "next_letter" hasn't been seen, insert it
elsif @model[this_group][next_letter] == nil
@model[this_group][next_letter] = 1
#if group and next letter exist in model, increment the count
cur_count_of_next_letter = @model[this_group][next_letter] + 1
@model[this_group][next_letter] = cur_count_of_next_letter
def generate_and_print_text(amount)
start_group = @entire_file_split[0,@order]
print start_group
this_group = start_group
(0..(amount-@order)).each do |i|
next_letters_to_choose_from = @model[this_group]
#construct probability hash
num = 0
probabilities = {}
next_letters_to_choose_from.each do |key, value|
num += value
probabilities[key] = num
#select next letter
index = rand(num)
matches = {|key, value| index <= value }
sorted_by_value = matches.sort{|a,b| a[1]<=>b[1]}
next_letter = sorted_by_value[0][0]
print " " if @unit == "word" #if we're splitting on words
print next_letter
#shift the group
this_group = this_group[1,@order-1] + next_letter.to_ary
def print_model
require 'pp'
file = File.expand_path "source_text.txt"
mm =
mm.create_model(file, 7, "character")
mm.create_model(file, 1, "word")
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Last modified on Nov 07, 2007 at 07:39 AM UTC - 5 hrs
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Fun stuff! Do you have other interesting projects like this? I'd like to know about them
Posted by Max
on Feb 01, 2010 at 08:01 PM UTC - 5 hrs
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