My Secret Life as a Spaghetti Coder
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Thankfully for me (and anyone who is interested in using his closures package), Sean Corfield reponded to my Beauty of Closures post and set me straight on a couple of issues.

First, he confirmed that there was indeed a bug when attempting to use a mapping to use the closures, and that in fact, it wasn't a CF 6.1 issue only.

Next, he dove right into the code. So, for easy reference, here is my original code:

<!--- container.cfc --->
      variables._arr = arrayNew(1);
      variables._curIndex = 0;

      // adds an element to the container
      function add(value)
         _curIndex = _curIndex + 1;

      // iterates over the container, letting a closure
      // specify what to do at each iteration

      function each(closure)
         for (i=1; i lte _curIndex; i=i+1)
            closure = closure.bind(value=_arr[i]);

His each() method is only slightly different from mine, but significantly so:

      // iterates over the container, letting a closure
      // specify what to do at each iteration

      function each(closure)
         for (i=1; i lte _curIndex; i=i+1)

He mentions that I "[name] the method and then repeatedly [bind] the value variable. That doesn't actually do what he thinks." He's right. I was using it incorrectly, and I thought that it was sort of odd to do it like that. In particular, I didn't like having to name the closure. This syntax is much cleaner, and easier to understand. And the best part follows: I had mentioned that, "from my understanding of closures, you should be able to modify 'outer' variables within them. Thus, to be a 'true' closure, outputting beenhere above should show true" in reference to this code:

<!--- closure_test.cfm --->
cf = createObject("component","org.corfield.closure.ClosureFactory");
container = createObject("component","container");
beenhere = false;
c ="<cfset value = value + 3><cfoutput>#value#</cfoutput><cfset beenhere = true>");
c ="<br/><cfoutput>This container has the value #value# in it</cfoutput>");

#beenhere# <!--- outputs false --->

Sean shows that in fact, had I used bind() as it was intended, outputting beenhere would have shown true, as expected. Basically, you can use bind(outer=variables) on the closure to get access to it. Then, in the code for the closure, you could use outer.beenhere = true and of course, the value is changed as you would expect. That is close to what I was thinking of when I said my idea would muck up the syntax, but I was thinking of passing it when creating the object. I actually like this a little better, as it is much cleaner than what I envisioned, and it is easier to see what's going on. It would be nice of course, if there was a way to do it without the programmer worrying about it, but I don't think that is possible with CF, since it uses the the same name for (from what I can tell) are two different scopes.

Anyway, thanks again to Sean for cleaning up my mess.

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