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Model | View | Controller | Migration

Component Controller

The base Controller class, from which all controllers should be derived.

methods: after, before, create, destroy, edit, getModelType, index, init, list, new, render, setModelType, show, update

public after ( String noneExcept="", String allExcept="", required string run )

Runs function run() after the list of functions in noneExcept is executed or after all functions except those in allExcept, only if using the default url/action mapper.

Output: enabled
   noneExcept: String, optional, noneExcept - A comma delimited list of functions that run should be run after.
   allExcept: String, optional, allExcept - A comma delimited list of functions that run should not be run after.
   run: string, required, run

public before ( String noneExcept="", String allExcept="", required string run )

Runs function run() before the list of functions in noneExcept is executed or before all functions except those in allExcept, only if using the default url/action mapper.

Output: enabled
   noneExcept: String, optional, noneExcept - A comma delimited list of functions that run should be run before.
   allExcept: String, optional, allExcept - A comma delimited list of functions that run should be run before.
   run: string, required, run

public create ( )

Initializes the model with the contents of the form, and saves the new record to the database. Upon success, executes after_create() method, which defaults to redirect to the list() action. Upon failure, executes after_create_failure() sending a · (alt-250) delimited list of the errors.

Output: enabled

public destroy ( )

Deletes a row from the table the model references.

Output: enabled

public edit ( )

Renders and populates the form for the controller's model, and instantiates an object of the model, with all member variables initialized to the values found in the row of the id passed in url.

Output: enabled

public getAfterAllButThisList ( )

This function shouldn't really be used, it may not exist later when I figure out a better way to accomplish the goal.

Output: enabled

public getAfterNoneButThisList ( )

This function shouldn't really be used, it may not exist later when I figure out a better way to accomplish the goal.

Output: enabled

public getBeforeAllButThisList ( )

This function shouldn't really be used, it may not exist later when I figure out a better way to accomplish the goal.

Output: enabled

public getBeforeNoneButThisList ( )

This function shouldn't really be used, it may not exist later when I figure out a better way to accomplish the goal.

Output: enabled

public getModelType ( )

Output: enabled

public index ( )

The default action of the controller. cfrails by default calls the list action.

Output: enabled

public Controller init ( )

Returns the derived Controller. Objects of type Controller cannot be instantiated (i.e., this is supposed to be an abstract class).

Output: suppressed

public list ( filter="" )

Lists all of the rows in the table the model refers to.

Output: enabled
   filter: any, optional, filter - Filters the results for the list. For instance, you might have: name like '%joe%'

public new ( )

Renders and populates the form for the controller's model, and instantiates an object of the model, with all member variables initialized to blank values.

Output: enabled

public render ( controller="[runtime expression]", required action, message="" )

Outputs the given controller/action

Output: enabled
   controller: any, optional, controller - The controller in which the given action to be rendered can be found. If not given, uses the current controller.
   action: any, required, action - The action whose view should be shown.
   message: any, optional, message - A message to display in the view, if it displays a message.

public setModelType ( modelType )

Output: enabled
   modelType: any, optional, modelType - The full name of model type, since cfrails will be trying to instantiate it, likely from a different directory than the one in which you're calling it. For example, 'org.eclipse.cfeclipse.somepackage.somecomponent'

public show ( )

Output: enabled

public update ( )

Initializes the model with the contents of the form, and saves the new record to the database. Upon success, executes after_update() method, which defaults to redirect to the list() action. Upon failure, executes after_create_failure() sending a · (alt-250) delimited list of the errors.

Output: enabled


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